
We help you manage your greatest asset
Managing a diverse workforce made simple
People are a company’s greatest asset. In today’s climate, having experienced Human Resource professionals to help manage the development of employees has never been more critical. We have trained recruiters that understand Human Resources. This includes all aspects of people management, workforce diversity, and communication, which are critical in building a positive culture. Our team focuses on both interim and permanent solutions for staff members through executive level positions within the following areas:
Diversity and Inclusion
Total Rewards
Talent Acquisition and Recruting
Employee Relations
Training and Development
2020 Quick HR Facts
70% of companies analyze employee data
$100k is the median salary for HR professionals
60% of job seekers quit the application
96% of employees believe that empathy is the key
$550 billion is the price of disengaged employees
93% say that professional growth is a priority
The ethnically-diverse workforce is 35% more engaged.